Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Someone to Love

The rain's woke me up in the middle of the night. After a night of drinking and discussing the meaning of life, I now sit here contemplating my thoughts on the subject.

Have you ever seen someone alone or in great pain?
Loneliness seems to follow everyone at some point in their lives.....

Throughout my life i've been drawn to lonely people.
Their lives, experiences, successes, failures, and happiness.

As a filmmaker, i'm interesting in every beings story. After all, isn't life just a story with a beginning, middle, and an end when you think about it?
I've tried hard to see the positive side in everyone. To bring people insight and to take their life experiences when I shape my own characters and situations in the scripts I write.

But I can't help but feel sympathy for the sadness that others have felt. Others that don't have a home or a family. Others that have lost their love ones and friends, whether it be to war, death, or both. Others that have been scarred by great tragedy. Others that are willing to give up and end their lives today. I sometimes wish I could sweep away all the pain they have. Then again, some say that pain helps us evolve into better people. But how much pain is enough?

Nowadays no one will lend a hand to their neighbor. People don't trust anybody.... Most everyone acts selfish and only thinks of themselves. What's best for them.... And the sad thing is, it seems that if you don't act like that, you'll fall behind and you won't succeed in this society.

How are we to seek Someone to love when there is so much pain and selfishness nowadays? People look everywhere for love, and sometimes they believe they've found it, but most of the time it fades away. . . .

People cheat, get older and change, and even grow to a point where they can't stand being with each other.
I think it boils down to the fact that nobody wants to be alone. We all have this need to share our lives with someone. We're hardwired this way....

Do soulmates exist? It might be possible that a soul exists, but scientifically people argue against it. Although I find myself observing the beauty of certain things in life, and at these times I feel overwhelmed. You'll probably know what i'm talking about when you get chills down your spine. It only happens a select few times in our lives, but when it does, you never forget the feeling....

Does fate exist? I truly believe so. Everything does happen for a reason. Maybe it's all scripted, or maybe it occurs randomly.

Now, does True Love exist? I don't believe anyone can quite say whether it does or not. At this point in my life, I'm leaning towards the stance that it doesn't. How many couples or marriages do you know of that lasted till the grave? Not enough, that's all I say.

All I know is that there isn't any meaning of life. There is a desire. The desire to love, be loved, succeed, survive, and do exactly what you want to do. And those who don't have the courage will fail.

But remember,

Everyone needs Someone to Love........

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